- Successful Dieting - numerous clinical studies have shown that if you include Reductil with your healthy diet plan you will lose up to three times more weight than if you attempt to diet without Reductil.
- Strong Appetite Suppressant - Reductil exerts its action by making you feel satisfied with the ingesting less food. In fact, Reductil represents one of the strongest appetite suppressants available on the market today.
- Maintenance of Weight Loss - Reductil Slimming Pills have been proven in numerous clinical studies to promote fast weight loss even if you have have been unsuccessful with your previous dieting attempts. The latest clinical study findings concerning Reductil confirm previous Reductil studies showing not only initial weight loss but a maintenance of the weight loss for the long term.
- Reductil Increases Your Metabolism - Reductil will significantly increase your metabolism, promoting fast weight loss. Often when you consume less calories there is a fall in your metabolism, Reductil reverses this fall in metabolism and allows you to burn more calories for fast weight loss. This is significant, secondary to Reductil ability to increase your metabolic rate promoting the burning of significantly more calories, burn calories - lose weight.
Therefore, Reductil pills prevent the common yo-yo effect or the rebound weight gain. Reductil is an effective way to help you lose weight and more importantly an effective slimming pilll that allows you to keep the weight off for the long term.
Why is Reductil sometimes called Sibutramine?
Sibutramine is the generic name for Reductil. The generic name represents the medications nonproprietary or chemical name, whereas, the brand name is the name a pharmaceutical give to a medication for marketing purposes. Abbott holds the rights to both Reductil and sibutramine and they have not released a generic version of Reductil at this time.
Are there any other benefits to taking Reductil other than Weight Loss?
What is the difference between Reductil and Meridia?
Reductil and Meridia are the exact same medication with chemical or generic name sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate. Knoll Pharmaceutical Company, manufacturers of Meridia for marketing strategies markets the medication in Europe under the brand name Reductil.
Sibutramine is the generic name for Reductil. The generic name represents the medications nonproprietary or chemical name, whereas, the brand name is the name a pharmaceutical give to a medication for marketing purposes. Abbott holds the rights to both Reductil and sibutramine and they have not released a generic version of Reductil at this time.
Are there any other benefits to taking Reductil other than Weight Loss?
Yes, studies have shown that even a modest weight loss as a result of Reductil and diet can significantly reduce the following life-risk factors:
Reduction of blood glucose levels (decreasing the risk of diabetes).
Lowering of diastolic and systolic blood pressure (decreasing the risk of heart disease and strokes).
Reduction in blood cholesterol levels (decreasing the risk of heart disease and strokes)
Reduction of blood levels of uric acid (decreasing the risk of gout).
Reduction in the cases of sleep apnea (irregular breathing during sleep).
Weight reduction is also likely to improve appearance, which has a positive affect on self-esteem and motivation.
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